Water flavorings are okay on a ketogenic diet. Just make sure that they contain no added sugar.
Here are some good options:
Stur: It is one of the most natural water supplements on the market. It uses stevia, organic juices and spices and imparts a fruity flavour to your water. Since it contains a bit of natural sugars, you need to make sure you adhere to the suggested serving size in order to stay in ketosis.
Crystal Light Liquid: Though it doesn’t contain added sugar, it does have certain questionable substances. For instance, it contains the additive sucrose acetate isobutyrate. It also contains sucralose, an ingredient which may not be as safe as stevia.
Propel Water Beverage Mix: This flavoring goes one step further; it contains certain micronutrients as well as vitamin B. So, it can help replace the nutrients lost when starting a ketogenic diet. However,there is one drawback it has traces of added sugar.
Many water flavorings contain extra added sugars. However, since they contain trace amounts of them, manufacturers are allowed to say that they don’t contain any carbohydrates or sugar.
So, bear in mind that water flavorings may reduce your ketosis if you drink a lot of them. Artificial sweeteners might also cause an involuntary rise in insulin levels, which can decrease your ketone levels.
As a result, you will want to stick to the suggested serving sizes when using water flavorings. This will ensure that you’re not consuming too many hidden carbohydrates or additives.
The following table shows the carbohydrate content of various types of water flavorings: