All around the world, the Keto diet has been gaining followers with its focus on weight loss, health, and nutrition. It is featured on television shows, documentaries, books, and many social media websites. Many people are attempting to do this diet for both health and beauty reasons. It can be a challenge for many people especially if done incorrectly. The diet is not hard but there are certain rules that need to be followed. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to find success. And many who not see results will stop the diet and see the final benefits it can offer.

So what exactly is a ketogenic diet? A keto diet as it is popularly known is a diet meant to place the body into a state of ketosis. This is the process when the body starts to burn off stored fat.

Ketosis is a particular speed of metabolism that can be monitored. A Keto diet is not just a fad or concept, it is actually a measurable state that can be monitored on your own or by health care providers. Thus, a keto diet can be beneficial for your health when monitored by a doctor.

When starting a keto diet, it is important to know what is your starting point. That can be easily done by doing a test of your ketone levels. This will tell you where you are starting and how difficult it will be to place yourself into a state of ketosis. You don’t want to guess about your levels. Starting a diet is more than just eating certain foods. 

A successful diet is about transforming your mindset and environment. You will need to start visualizing yourself as your ideal weight. You will need to eliminate the bad foods from your environment. You need to exercise. And the most important try to find at least one person who will support you in your journey.

Once you know your ketone levels, changed your mindset, and started an exercise program, then you will be ready for a keto diet. Your new lifestyle will be close. The following list can be used to help guide you in choosing the best for foods for your keto diet. This list is not meant to be absolute but as a guide post that you can use to determine your own needs.

It is just a cheat sheet you can use for the transformation of your life. This list is for foods that you should avoid as they may reduce or stop the ability of a body to burn fat. It is important that going out of ketosis can stop you from seeing gains. If you stop seeing weight loss, you may then stop the diet completely.

Carbs need to be kept to an absolute minimum to allow the body to enter and remain in ketosis. Thirty grams of carbs is probably all that you need. More than that may not be helpful in your keto diet. The right amount of carbs you need may be adjusted throughout the diet, but in general, you will start with a stricter control and lesson them over time.

Meat is popular on a keto diet but the calorie count for meat should not be more than a quarter of the calories. This diet is not all the meat you can eat deal. You will need to eat smaller portions of meat. You will also not eat meat at the frequency you probably did in the past. All processed meats will be excluded from your diet with only fresh cuts being options. 

Also, please remember that meat is not the only way to gain protein. You will discover that many options of the keto diet will provide you with a source of protein as well. 

The goal of the keto diet to create a new healthy balance of eating that nourishes your body while leading to a healthier life.

Just remember that to many carb foods will be bad for your body. Ketosis can be a tricky process and can vary by person. So for newbies going on a stricter diet can sometimes be helpful.

Here is the list to make things easy to decide what is needed for your project.

The following is a list of 103 items that have been numbered that you should avoid. Along with the list of items to avoid, there are listed some alternatives that can be used. Even with the permissible alternatives, it is important to note that the portion amount you will eat on the keto diet will be small. The time for giant portions and seconds has passed.


Mature harvest golden rice

In the first weeks of a keto diet, grains should be avoided in its entirety. This can be difficult for many people as grain is a big part of the modern diet. Grains are in many more food items than just bread. Sometimes it will take reading the ingredients list to know that certain items will need to be avoided. As you progress you can add small amounts of grains back into your life. The following grains can then be consumed in the following quantities.

In the case of #1 Wheat, you can eat one slice of bread per day. The same can be done with bread made of #2 Rye, and #3 Sprouted Grains. Eating one slice of bread may lead to temptation. This is why many people avoid grains all together at least for the first weeks of the keto diet. Cookies, crackers, pizza crust, and pasta also have to be included with bread.

Other grains that should be completely avoided include #4 Barley, #5 Oats, #6 Rice, #7 Corn, #8 Quinoa, #9 Millet, #10 Sorghum, #11 Bulgar, #12 Amaranth, and #13 Buckwheat.

Many of the above items on the list are considered to be health or super foods that are actively utilized in many other diet plans. A large number of health conscious people have actively included many of these foods in their weekly menu routines. The point is not the above food grains are inherently bad for you. 

The point is the above food grains are bad for entering and maintaining a state of ketosis. Especially for new people to the keto lifestyle, getting into and maintaining ketosis can be a challenge. Thus, the complete withdrawal of grains from your life can give you a big boost in accomplishing your keto diet goals.

As you become more comfortable in the diet, there are many keto friendly bread recipes and products that can be purchased. This can help you maintain a keto friendly level of carbs in the body while not overloading in carbs. But again this will only work if you practice strict portion.

Beans and Legumes


In many cultures, beans and legumes are a core food item for the population’s diet. The reasons are obvious as to why beans and legumes have reached this status. They are nutrient filled food that are filling. A few of the vitamins that are found in these foods include folate, niacin, thiamin, iron, magnesium, sodium, and zinc. These are all vital elements for human survival and why many indigenous diets are rich in beans and legumes.

However, in the case of a keto diet, beans and legumes are to be strictly avoided. The primary reason is the amount of carbs that they contain. For example, a single cup of black beans served in your meal will contain twenty-five grams of carbs. That is a staggering amount of carbs as you are seeking to go into ketosis. A similar portion of pinto beans will have a whopping ninety- one grams of carbs.

The amount of carbs in beans and legumes is the primary reason why they are avoided. Another reason is that being on the keto diet can be a shock to the bottom. Some people even experience flu like symptoms in the early days and weeks on the diet. This can be lead to dreadful feelings. 

The indigestive issues that are commonly associated with beans and legumes would not be productive for followers of the keto diet. Instead, the focus should be on healing the digestive track by not placing too much stress on it. The overall goal is to stay on the keto diet and not to leave it because you feel weak and ill.


What about fruits? They are popular food for many people. Some people even choose to eat fruit exclusively. But what about a keto diet? Can fruits which many times contain high levels of sugar be possible on a keto diet? The answer is that there is no way to include many fruits in a success keto diet lifestyle. Fruits that cannot be consumed while on a keto diet include #25 Bananas, #26 Pineapples, #27 Papaya, #28 Apples, #29 Oranges, #30 Grapes, #31 Mangos, #32 Tangerines, #33 All Fruit Juices, #34 Fruit Smoothies, #35 Dried fruits like raisins, dates, etc., #36 Fruit Syrups, and #37 Fruit Concentrates.

On the keto diet, most fruits have to be eliminated, and the fruits that are consumed must be consumed in small portions. Portion control is most important in dealing with fruits due to their sugar levels. The main problem is how the fruit will elevate your blood sugar. The elevation of blood sugar is something that is should be avoided while on a keto diet. This causes the release of insulin which encourages the body to store fat. The exact opposite what you trying to do with a keto diet where you want to burn existing fat not add new fat. Any food not only fruit that raises insulin should be avoided.

The sugars in fruit are what shut downs the ketosis process. This spike in insulin can create an ongoing craving for sweet fruits. Some of the highest sugar fruits as mentioned above include peaches, watermelon, mangos, bananas, and apples. It must be reiterated that dried fruits also contain high levels of sugar as well and must be avoided. It may be possible to find a keto friend dried fruit snack in some health stores, but the ingredient list would need to be carefully scrutinized. Fruit juices are just as bad as regular fruit and need to be avoided.

One option for fruit that does exist on a keto diet is the avocado. Sometimes confused with a vegetable, the avocado is an incredibly healthy and delicious option for your keto diet. It is packed with a host of vitamins, protein, good fats, healthy oils, and many other nutrients which make are vital for your body. The benefits of this fruit are numerous. They include weight loss, cancer prevention, digestion, heart health, and hormonal balance. Avocado has become so popular that its price has risen significantly in recent years. The main reason is the desire of millions of to add the food to their diet. It is definitely worth the extra cost.


If an avocado is not to your liking, berries are another option if consumed in small amounts. They are loaded in vitamins and minerals while being low in carbs. The benefits of berries are numerous including actually improving your blood sugar and reducing body inflammation. The reduction in body inflammation may be great if you plan to pursue an exercise routine while on the keto diet. Some of the more popular berries that can be eaten on occasion include blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries.



When it comes to vegetables there some simple rules to consider. They are simple rules that will become second natures to you with some practice. The first rule is to avoid all vegetables that grow in the soil. The second rule is to focus instead on green leafy vegetables which you can eat in larger quantities. Now here is the list of vegetables to avoid. #38 Sweet Potatoes, #39 Yams, #40 Carrots, #41 Parsnips, #42 Peas, and #43 Corn. The vegetables on the previous list are absolutely forbidden. The next list features some vegetables you can eat, but they can only be consumed on a very limited basis with tightly controlled portions. You can eat one #44 Potatoes, half a cup of raw #45 Yucca, and one cup of #45 Cherry Tomatoes.

The previous two lists featured the vegetables that you should avoid or only eat on a limited basis. Now, we will discuss what vegetables you can eat. The good news is you have a lot of options with vegetables. And for the keto diet to work properly, you will need to consume a lot of vegetables. Vegetables will become a big part of your main menu choices.

It cannot be emphasized enough that vegetables are an important part of creating the proper nutrition mix to have a success keto diet experience. An important notice is that you will need to focus on vegetables that are low in sugar. While eating a lot of vegetables is important for the diet, you still need to practice portion control.

What you want to achieve in your vegetable choice is high nutrient but low in carbs. Green leafy vegetables generally fall into this category. Kale and spinach are two good examples of this.

Beyond the green leafy vegetables, there are other options such as the cruciferous family of vegetables. These types of vegetables are famous for their nutritional density and popularity. Some members of this family are zucchini, lettuce, cucumbers, and broccoli. The advantages of these vegetables are that they are widely available in stores. The price tends to be affordable so you do not have to break the budget to eat them. These vegetables can be cooked, but they are also popular for salads.

The advantage of salads is that they are easy to make, store, and transport. They can be made in almost any number of variant ingredients. You can create salads in the morning for consumption later in the day as long as you take the proper precautions for storage.

Now for a brief list of items that you will definitely need to consume while doing the keto diet. Broccoli is a great vegetable for both salads and cooked meals. It is full of vitamins K and C. It has very low carbs. Asparagus is filled with vitamins A, C, and K. Studies have shown that it helps with brain health and improve mood. It has 4g of carbs per cup. Mushrooms are some of the lowest carb foods around. It has only one gram of carb per cup. Mushrooms are tasty and help with inflammation.

Something that will help with recovering from exercises. Zucchini is exceptionally low in carbs and has a lot of vitamin C. Spinach is unique in that it has almost no carbs if consumed raw. It is why a lot of keto dieters will make salads with spinach. It is rich vitamin K and it has been shown as a preventative food for eye diseases. Cauliflower has high levels of both vitamin K and C. It has been shown a lower potential risk for heart related illnesses and cancer. A colorful addition to the diet is bell peppers which have high levels of nutrition.

The color of the bell pepper does influence the carb content. Green beans are actually legumes. But they are being included here because they are generally included in the vegetable produce section at the market. On cup only has six grams of carbs. Lettuce and kale are a popular addition to salads. They are both low in carbs and contain plenty of nutrients like vitamins A and C. They are known for how they can help with heart health.



As you probably know by now, sugar is a big no-no for a keto diet. You need to avoid it at all costs. There is no way to get around this. Even the smallest of sugars in your diet could potentially sabotage your ketosis process. Some sugars like honey are actively used in traditional dishes and supplemental nutrition products. These foods and supplements would need to avoid. Also, be sure to check for sugars in unlikely places like toothpaste, health drinks, and sauces. There are the sugars you will need to avoid at all cost #46 Honey, #47 Agave Nectar, #48 Maple Syrup, #49 Raw Sugar, #50 Turbinado Sugar, #51 High-Fructose Corn Syrup, and #52 Cane Sugar.

There are really no sugar alternatives for those who want to follow a strict keto diet. Many sugars, especially the manufactured one have really bad for any diet. High-fructose corn syrup is notorious for being linked to health ailments. This unnatural sweetener is recommended to be avoided at all cost. It can be hard to be avoided as it is a widely included ingredient. You can find it everything from salad dressings, cereal, and many condiments. The problem with artificial sweeteners is that they boost the insulin production in the body. Thus, taking you out of the state of ketosis. So, while the chemical compositions of natural and artificial sweeteners are different. They have the same effect with your blood sugar levels and thus your insulin levels.

Natural sweeteners like honey and agave nectar will have to wait until after you have successfully finished a keto diet cycle.



Some people will think that carbs are vitally important after an exercise routine. While some carbs are needed for life, they are not necessarily needed in the quantities that most people consume.

For those who need to carb loads like body builders and certain types of athletes in training, a modified keto diet may be needed. This way the right carbs can be added but not all types of carbs. As with every diet, people are different. And what is needed for it to be successful will be different for each person.

However, eating carbs is the opposite of the goals of the keto diet. The goal of the keto diet is to keep carbs to an absolute minimum to allow for the process of ketosis to occur. The introduction of carbs allows the body a source of food that can be broken down into sugars. Why we avoid carbs is to force the body to attack the stored in the fat in the body. This can rapidly reduce the fat levels in the body.



Dairy is a large part of many people’s diet. There are always questions on rather diary can be included in a keto diet. The answer is yes. Here are some foods that can be used. #53 Yogurt, #54 Butter, #55 Heavy Cream, and #56 Sour Cream are fine for a keto diet. The other dairy products should be avoided. In general, you should avoid all dairy products that are packaged as low and reduced fat.

There are a few reasons to avoid these products. The first is that these products can have a very high level of carbs. Second, pasteurized milk is difficult on the human body’s digestive system. A major reason for the digestive issues is due to the lack of many good bacteria from pasteurized milk. Another problem is the inclusion of hormones in many milk products.

One option that can be used with limitation is raw milk. You should limit yourself to one serving during a day.

You must remove #57 Milk and #58 Shredded Cheese. Some other dairy foods that should not be in a keto diet, but if you have a craving for diary the following can be consumed in small amounts. One tablespoon of #59 Butter Substitutes, one tablespoon of #60 Low-Fat Cream Cheese, one cup of #61 Evaporated Skim Milk, two tablespoons #62 Low-Fat Whipped Topping, and small amounts of #63 Low-Fat Yogurt are forms of dairy that can be used.

If you are on a diet especially ketogenic the goal is to reduce weight, the more you consume dairy products it can eventually result in destroying your goals. It is so easy to eat a portion of cheese that is why even though it has a little content of carbohydrates and a lot of fat, the result of overeating it can cause increased in weight.

Casein and Lactose which are main ingredients of dairy can compromise your diet. There are a lot of people that have intolerances to casein or lactose that they are not aware of. This could make you bloated, can cause acne problems, joint problems, and more. The Ketogenic diet must be viewed as a technique to eat better not only to reduce your weight but also for overall health. That is why it is really a good choice to give up dairy products at first to get the optimal benefits of keto.

There are some more exemptions for “milk” and diary type products which will be discussed in the drink section.

Soy Products


These products can easily be a temptation to consume because it has low
carbohydrates, however it has 3 characteristics that are not keto-friendly

• Soy products have a high phyto-estrogen content which can affect the levels of your hormones.

• A lot of soy products are processed at a high level which means you get a massive  amount of phyto-estrogen, phytates while getting little nutrients.
• Soy products have a high number of phytates, which combines some of the minerals and hinder it from absorbing into your body.

What soy products you must avoid while you are on a ketogenic diet?

• Tofu
• Soy milk
• Dairy and meat alternatives that are soy-based

However, there are some soy alternatives which are fermented like gluten-free tamari sauce. As with any type of food, products will vary ingredient makeups. You will need to study each  and see if the ingredients, carbs, sugars, and caloric intake will fit within your diet goals.

Unhealthy (Inflammatory) Oils

jessica-lewis-621064-unsplash general, most natural oils are beneficial to your body and can be used with a keto diet. Some  good oils are coconut oil, virgin olive oil, and macadamia nut oils. There are some oils you need  to avoid. Many of them are highly processed oils which would be good not to include in any diet  you may have. The following oils will benefit you on the keto diet. You will need to avoid the following oils. The ones to avoid include #64 Soybean Oil, #65 Canola Oil, #66 Corn Oil, #67 Grapeseed Oil, #68 Peanut Oil, #69 Sesame Oil, #70 Sunflower Oil, #71 Cottonseed oil and #72 Safflower Oil.

Many of the oils in their natural state would be fine, but they tend to be highly processed in the commercially sold state. They will be packaged in clear plastic bottles for a long time. So long that sometimes the cooking oil has gone bad before you even consume it. Another issue is when you heat them to high temperatures necessary for cooking, the oils can become more oxidized. These bad fats are usually rejected by our metabolism which can lead to inflammation of some cells.

This is compounded that these bad fats can gain you a lot of unhealthy weight. There are even more reasons why to avoid the highly processed vegetable and seed oils. They tend to have high dosages of omega-6 which is then highly imbalanced omega-3s. This imbalance has been tied to a variety of health problems like obesity, problems with metabolism, cancer risk, damaging of the DNA, and other cardiovascular diseases.

There are some good options that are available. In general, you find keto diet friendly options with coconut oil, olive oil, and avocado oil. These oils also contain nutrition which will aid you in the overall objective in bettering your health.



In the first weeks of a keto diet, it is necessary to remove alcohol completely. This is because  you are trying to reset your body on a nutritional level and the consumption of alcohol may  interfere with that objective. The keto diet mantra is that alcohol is just filled with a lot of  empty calories that don’t aid the progress to your final destination.

Some alcohol may be consumed after you stabilize on the keto diet. But first, we need to  disclose what absolutely cannot be included in your diet.

Here is a list of alcohol that should be avoided in the first weeks. After that time period, some  items may be able to be consumed in small quantities while others will need to be permanently  banned from your life while you pursue the keto diet. They are #73 Beer, #74 Wines, #75  Cocktails, #76 Mixers, and #77 Flavored Liquors.

The main ingredient in alcohol is ethanol. The problem with ethanol is that it breaks up into  sugar. This is what makes drinking alcohol can be the same as drinking sugary soda.

However, small amounts of certain types of alcohol can be consumed on a keto diet. The  amounts would be typical of a social gathering where food is served. The types of alcohol that is  keto friend contain low amounts of sugar. Examples would be hard liquor, unsweetened wines,  and light beers. Some light beer options could include brands like Michelob Ultra, Miller 64, and  Bud Select.

With wine, you can choose dry red wines, dry white wines, and champagne that is neither  sweetened or flavored. Hard liquors have no grams of carbs. Your options would be varied with rum, gin, tequila, whiskey, and vodka as choices. Avoid mixers as they definitely will have carbs.  One mixed drink could instantly pull you out of ketosis. Also keep this list handy for absolute  avoidance: port, sherry, sweet wines, sangria, wine coolers, margarita mix, and liqueurs.



Water is a key part of a keto diet. There is almost nothing that can be substituted in its place.  You need to avoid them if you can. And if you do consume them, do so on a sparing basis.  Drinks to avoid include #78 Sweetened Beverages, #79 Sugary Sodas, #80 Diet Sodas, #81 Fruit  Juices, #82 Smoothies/Fresh Juices, #83 Coffee, #84 Tea, and #85 Sweetened Milks.

One way people can overconsume calories is through drinks. A soda on a hot day may seem like  a great way to cool down. But what the commercials do not tell you is the number of calories  you can chug down in a few minutes. In the course of a day hundreds of unneeded calories can  be added. Over the course of a month, you can consume thousands of sugar filled calories. This  is just bad for your health.

You should be careful of all the drink that is sold to with labels like low-carb, natural, healthy,  and natural. Many of these designations are only marketing gimmicks. You have to really check  the ingredients and nutritional information before consuming them. Or else you may as well  have a sugary soda as the “healthy” drink may have no discernable advantage. If you consume  liquids, here is a cheat sheet of what you can drink and what you should be careful in  consuming.

Water is always the top choice. If plain water is not to your taste you do many things to  improve the taste. Some options include infusing it with lemon juice, herbs, and enhancers.  Carbonated water can come in many variations. The variations can be sparkling water, seltzer,  and club soda. Some of them even have flavors which can allow you to have a satisfying drink  without calories.

The first days of the keto diet will see the body release minerals and water.  The release levels will be higher than normal. As the diet progresses in the first days, the ketone  levels in the body will increase and the process of mineral and water release will also increase.  This is why water is a good option as it will attack the dehydration that can occur.  You can’t go wrong with the water, especially on the ketogenic diet. During the first few days of carbohydrate restriction, the body typically sheds water and minerals at an accelerated rate. A  couple of days later — when ketone levels increase — even more water will be excreted than  usual.

One way to make drinking water more palatable, consider adding frozen berries to your water.  You will get very few carbs, but you will get a nicely flavored water.  Water can be proven with herbs such as mint. These mint ice cubes are great for water or giving  the mouth something to occupy it. A few ice cubes may take away the urgency to eat or drink  unhealthy things.

Lemon and lime are popular additions to water. The carbs are low and the flavor boost is highly recommended many followers of the keto diet.

Enhancers are powders that can be added to water. They usually have minimum calories. The  enhancers come in many variations. But many are focused on delivering minerals with  flavoring. You need to be careful as some enhancers may have sugars included. Also, be sure to  stay within the recommended daily dosage.

Carbonated water has carbonation which it gives it bubbles the same you have in soda. The  difference between soda and carbonated water is that carbonated water is pure water while  soda is filled with chemicals and preservatives.

Sparkling water has small bubbles from naturally occurring carbonation. Seltzer water has  bubbles from a manufacturing process of adding carbonization. Club soda has carbonization  with the addition of bicarbonate salt.

Energy drinks are increasingly popular. Many are marketed as being low carb alternatives. This  can be deceptive for those on a keto diet as while the drink may have lower carbs than  alternatives, they still may exceed your daily allowance for carbs.

Smoothies can be made to be keto friendly if you are careful of the ingredients. Some examples  of this would be adding small amounts of berry, avocados, good oils, and green leafy vegetables  like spinach. Smoothies can be really healthy if done correctly. They can also be loaded in  sugars, carbs, and calories. If you really want to make a healthy smoothie, you need to consider  the following ingredients. 

You can use high quality fats like MC oil, coconut oil, avocado, nut butters, and seed butters.  Unsweetened coconut yogurt, nut-milk yogurts, and full-fat yogurts are good choices to add to  smoothies. There is also the option of introducing fruits and vegetables such as berries, spinach,  and kale. Sweeteners that could be added could be added such as vanilla extract, almond  extract, or stevia. The protein powder is a staple of traditional smoothies that can be applied to keto smoothies. Whey protein, egg white protein, vegan protein, and collagen peptides are examples of powders that can be used.

Zero calorie drinks may be a possibility but you need to check the ingredients. If artificial sweeteners are used then you should consider skipping the drink.

With both coffee and tea, you need to avoid the addition of any additional sugars. That would
also include creams and milk that may contain added sugars. Almond milk and coconut milk are
two alternatives that are very keto friendly.
Teas are typically fine for the keto diet. They have nearly zero carbs. There are a few varieties of
tea to choose from. Black teas can be hot or iced. They typically have a strong flavor and
caffeine. Green teas are ancient and used for many health benefits. Green tea does not have
less caffeine than black teas. This type of tea is sometimes used as a calming agent. Then thereare herbal teas which have no caffeine. They come in many flavors. They are popular for both taste and health reasons. Remember that the ones derived from fruit may have some sugars.

Diet soda is not recommended. Most contain artificial sweeteners that can sabotage your keto diet. Soda may also include other ingredients which may not be good for your overall health. If you like the bubbles in soda, maybe you can try carbonated water.

Sometimes you have a desire to drink a sweet juice. Some options would dilute the juice with water. By cutting the juice with water you can get the flavor with a lower amount of sugars. You will need to be careful about the dilution process as juice can be stacked with sugars.

The same can be done with sport drinks. You are dying to have your favorite sports drink. Then you can dilute the amount with water.

The typical cup of milk has twelve grams of sugar. That is too much to intake with any consistency. If you enjoy drinking milk or cooking with it, then you can try to use coconut milk, almond milk, cashew milk, flax milk, hemp milk, and soy milk. Try not to consume more than one cup of these milks as their cumulative effect may exceed your daily carb limit.

Packaged Goods


Packaged foods are filled with many bad ingredients. They need to be avoided during a keto diet. In some cases, there are packaged goods for keto diets. If the product is not specifically for a keto diet, then you should avoid them. Here is a list of what you should be avoided. #86 Cookies, #87 Cakes, #88 Margarines, #89 Candies, #90 Ice Creams, #91 Foods with Carrageenan, #92 Food with Sulfites, #93 MSG, and #94 Wheat Gluten are definite foods to be avoided.

Be careful of packaged diet foods because even if a serving size may have a low amount of carbs and sugars. The problem is the serving size may not be enough to be a filling. Thus, you can easily overeat as you try to fill your hunger. In general, you need to have a lot of suspicion of any packaged foods. Even the ones that claim to be keto diet friendly.



#95 Grain Flours – is not a keto-friendly food instead use coconut flour as an alternative because it can still create delicious bread with the same texture as the grain flours. Although coconut flour requires a lot more moisture because it tends to dry a lot because of its high density that is why you will always see it as a combination for eggs and paleo mayonnaise.

#96 Cashew, #97 Pistachios – because nuts are full of fats that are healthy, which keep you of having a feeling of fullness for a much longer period of time, you must be mindful about when you consume these type of nuts when you are on a ketogenic diet. Becaus  nuts are literally low in carbohydrates if you consume them in small amounts.

It is easy to abuse the intake of them because you can carry them anywhere you go and it is
very easy to be eaten. So, to be sure you must avoid nuts that have a high carbohydrate content like cashews and pistachios. Because of this just stick yourself to low carbohydrate nuts like macadamia, pecans, and walnuts.

Artificial Sweeteners


Artificial sweeteners need to be avoided. They are generally very bad for any diet. In the keto diet it is especially bad. Here is why. These artificial sweeteners can affect the blog sugar levels of the body. They can lead to big spikes in blood sugar. This can cause cravings as well as create  issues with #98 Acesulfame, #99 Aspartame, #100 Saccharin, and #101 Sucralose are to be avoided.



When it comes to condiments, it is best to avoid them unless they are pure herbs and spices. In general, avoid all that are made with #102 Made with Unhealthy Oils, #103 Containing Added Sugars, and #104 Labeled as Low Fat.

The above list of foods is only meant to be a starting point n your journey into the keto diet lifestyle. As you start the process you will listen to the rhythm of your body and discover what works for you. As you continue you may even start to mix the keto diet with other diets and health practices. This is good as it gives you a chance to live a healthier life with a program that is ideal to your needs.

Is there a possibility that I can take pleasure in both having a keto lifestyle and drinking alcohol?

Alcohol is frequently defined as a macronutrient, but it is really not an essential need. Because it is not a necessity of life which you do not need actually in order to survive. In some cases, it can be detriment to your body’s health if over consumed.

And while consuming alcohol while on a keto diet of will not crucially delay your improvement, but it will just make things a little bit gradual for you.

Just remember that alcoholic beverages will do no good for you especially when taken excessively because it makes the process of aging faster.

Alcohol does have a bad reputation. It is one of the most abused substances in the world. It becomes a serious issue when it becomes a hindrance to your personal life.

If you are fond of having some alcoholic drinks to make yourself relax or enjoy the weekends, then you are not doing anything wrong. However, if you are in a keto diet, you will notice that your tolerance to alcoholic beverage will drop.

Is there a valid proof that alcohol really boosts ketosis?


If you ever came across the saying “drinking boosts ketosis,” you do not know the whole story yet. There is a research from the 1970s which stated that the intake of alcohol and keto diet can increase ketonuria. That means “not normal large amounts of ketone bodies” are significant in the urine. However, the ketonuria itself may not be the main cause of the instant effect of alcohol. Instead, researchers made an assumption that ketonuria was produced from a sudden slower change in metabolism from the glycogen depletion that is caused by alcohol.

Whenever you drink alcoholic beverages especially when you are on a high-fat diet, the metabolism of your liver changes because of the glycogen that is depleted from your body. While this may result in a rapid explosion of activity of ketones, as you will read below, the alcohol that you consume will be used by the liver for immediate energy instead of turning it into fat, which actually means that loss of weight is getting slower.

Alcohol and the process of burning fat


It is really significant that cocktails and beer are loaded with a lot of sugars and carbohydrates that can quickly get you out of the state of ketosis.

If you want to stay in a ketogenic diet, the stored fat needs to be used by your body. The moment when alcohol enters your body system, by default your liver will be using the by products of the alcohol instead of fat, which means there which only means that the oxidation of fatty acids are being slowed down until it processed all the alcohol.

Those who are not frequent alcohol drinkers will not see hindrance to their long term goals. However, if your consumption of alcohol is high, you will be compromising your ability to process fats. You may not process fats quickly or you may stop processing fats all together. This can be problematic for those people that seek weight loss as their exercise routines and healthy eating with non discernible results.

This can cause some people to become discouraged. There are a lot of people who have found that consuming alcohol in excess slows down or stops their weight loss. Which is because the alcohol is being processed by the liver as a priority and much faster because of this the process of our burning fats are interrupted to get rid of the alcohol content on our body.

Carbohydrates are really a good source for the reduction of the feeling of drunkenness because they assist you in decreasing the levels of alcohol in your blood.

For the reason that glucose is processed by the body in foods like pizza, pasta, and bread in a fast manner, which result in the decrease in the processing of the metabolism of the alcohol in our body.

When your lifestyle revolves around being in ketosis, you have a little amount of glycogen that is stored inside your body.

Keeping yourself under a healthy ketogenic lifestyle needs a lot of discipline and perseverance. When you are under the influence of alcoholic drinks your focus can be compromised. That is the reason why it is not difficult to eat pizza even at midnight of drinking alcoholic beverage instead of eating healthy keto-friendly snacks.

Even though you select your alcoholic drinks very meticulously, the selection of foods that comes with the drinks can get you out of ketosis very quickly.

How to select the right alcoholic drinks if you are on a keto diet?

If you want to socialize and enjoy a drink with your peers, it is still doable even you are on a keto diet. Here is your basic guide on keto-friendly liquor.

Hard Liquors


A lot of clear type alcoholic beverage that has a percentage of 40 and above like vodka, whiskey, brand, and etc contain zero carbohydrates and sugars which only signifies that they are good for people who are under the diet of keto aside from the fact that alcohol if taken in excessive amount is not good for the metabolism of people who are practicing keto lifestyle.

Combining your alcoholic beverage with water is a good practice on keto, however, tonic water contains 32 to 33 grams of carbohydrates per 12 ounces. It is also not different when you combine a hard alcoholic beverage with other substances like fruit juice, sodas, or mixers, you are risking yourself to a massive amount of liquid carbohydrates.

If you have the urge to add something up to your drink than just plain liquor and ice, there are a lot of other options which you can try like some cocktail recipes to interchange sugar-rich substances with more keto-friendly choices.

Just remember that alcoholic drinks that are flavored usually contain a lot of sugar.

Avoid these sugary mixers: Whiskey sour mix, blue Curacao, syrup that are too sugary, and frozen mixes of margarita.


This type of hard liquor is produced from a grain and usually contains about 35% of alcohol by volume. It is created through the use of certain citrus fruits like orange, lemon, or lime. But be conscious about gins which have certain flavoring and sweetened versions.



Brandy is created through the use of mash, juice, grapes, or wine. There are various types of brandy and the Cognac is the most well-known brandy which originated in France. It has a range of 36% to 60% alcohol per volume which are usually aged in barrels.


While the most inexpensive wine can come with sugars that are residual if you choose an extremely dry red wine or white wine. That means you can still consume a glass with dinner. Usually, dry wines contain 1-gram or less of sugar per oz, and the common serving is 5 oz. On the keto diet, you just have to drink in a moderate manner.

Just remember that there are dry wines that may be appropriate and inappropriate for people who are under a keto regimen. Because the common wine is composed of up to seventy six various ingredients that are not listed on their labels.

It is wise to avoid these types of sweet wines: Moscato, Sherry, Dessert Wines, and Sangria


For the reason that its composition namely barley, yeast, and water, beer must be prevented when you are on a keto diet. The barley is segregated down into a maltose of sugar, which is what a reaction of yeast is happening which creates a much higher count of carbohydrates than hard types of alcoholic beverages.

A beer is composed of gluten, yeast, and other mold toxins. If you are planning to consume beer then think twice because it is not keto-friendly. However, you can try gluten-free beers that are available in some stores but take note that you must drink it moderately only.

Here is a partial list of wines that are keto-friendly:

  • Cabernet Sauvignon
  •  Pinot Noir
  •  Merlot
  •  Pinot Grigio
  •  Sauvignon Blanc
  •  Chardonnay
  •  Riesling
  • Champagne

Some Piece of Advice on Hangover

Hangover is a usual sensation that you can feel after several hours of drinking alcoholic beverages or after you woke up from being drunk.

The main cause of hangover is dehydration that is why the simple way to combat this is by drinking a lot of water.

Other Problems with Alcohol Drinking and Loss of Fat

Aside from the knowledge behind our process of metabolism, we have still a lot of flaws.

When we consume alcohol, our self-consciousness is decreased significantly, which can create unconscious eating and diet cheating which has a lot of chance to happen.

While on the keto diet, you will see that you are becoming less hungry for the reason that of the gradual released of energy from fats. If you start consuming alcohol on an empty stomach, you will start to notice the effects of liquor much quickly.

Another way to expel the glycogen that is stored inside our body is through intermittent fasting. This method gives your body the opportunity to have an entrance to a state of ketosis much quickly, as the main source of energy is fat and absolutely not from carbohydrates. Your body is obliged to consume up its stored glycogen very quickly. Once the stored glycogen s consumed then the stored fats in your body will be used.

As with any type of diet that you may consider, you need to significant reduce of the intake of alcohol. Most of the calories in alcohol are sometimes referred to as empty calories. Overall,these calories give little amounts of energy. In addition, the energy created only lasts for a short amount of time. That is why you must not drink excessive amounts while on the keto diet. Just be cautious during the times when you want a drink. 

These are things to consider while consuming alcohol while on a keto diet.

You can definitely drink a few types of alcohol on a keto diet without any hesitation or remorse. But there are causes why consuming alcoholic beverages can have a risk of destroying your goals.

The urge for calories increases

As stated above, alcoholic beverages are loaded with calories that are completely empty. The number of calories that you get from alcohol is exactly 7.1 per gram which eventually does not offer any value in terms of nutrition.

You will not actually feel really full however you will be more prone to over eat unhealthy foods because your focus decreases and your stomach is craving for delicious but unhealthy foods.

And you will accumulate a massive number of calories getting there because alcohol has twice the number of calories per gram if we match it up to protein.

It deactivates your body’s capacity to burn fat for energy

Did you know your body considers alcohol as a substance that is really toxic? For the reason that when it takes its entrance on your bloodstream your body changes gears and targets all of its energy on expelling the alcohol out of your body.

Every component of your body stops which includes the proper digestion of the alcohol which contains the carbohydrate loaded meal that you may have taken into consideration as a basis for drinking. When this occurs, your body will create unhealthy fats from the extra energy of sugar and carbohydrates.

Because your body is taking time to filter out those alcohol content of yours, it ends using fat for energy like what it usually does when you are in ketosis.

Because it makes use of the hollow calories you drank for energy. This won’t assist you in attaining or retaining ketosis because it has the contradictory effect.

If you have been having a hard time to get to the state of ketosis, begin by reducing or completely removing your alcohol consumption.

If you can prevent submitting to urges of eating high-calorie foods and you do not have any plan on drinking adequately to get you out of ketosis, there is still one more thing that you must put in your mind before ordering that liquor.

You will get drunk quicker and you can have a much worse hang over

It does not matter whether you have a glass of wine or two with your peers after work or plan to consume beer whatever you is that you are planning, is that if you are implementing a keto diet drinking alcoholic beverage can have a consequence on your body.

When you are under ketosis, alcohol strikes your body quicker and much powerful that it did when your body is storing more carbs. However, your alcohol tolerance decreases when you are in ketosis.

Usually, people who have a lot of glycogen that is stored in their bodies much appreciation goes to carbohydrate-heavy diets, which functions as a cushion for metabolizing alcohol. Without its help, your body will process alcohol quicker and you will feel the effects rapidly.

For those who are on a diet of keto is keep on telling that they have much worse hang over compared to when they are consuming a high-carbohydrate diet. However there is no specific research on why this is occurring, dehydration and electrolytes that are not balanced seem to play a role on this.

Because both of them can happen when you consume alcohol and when you are in ketosis state which creates an opportunity for more extreme hang over.

If you plan to consume alcohol while you are on a ketogenic diet, be vigilant about it and take preventive measures.

Eat a keto meal before drinking

Eating massive amounts of carbohydrates before a night of liquor intake is a big no. When you intake meals that are loaded with carbohydrates before drinking liquor, the tendency is your body will get you out of ketosis real quick. Fat and protein are your friends before drinking alcoholic beverages. Get a keto meal that is full of healthy fats with some protein. This strong combination with help to gradually decrease the effects of alcoholic beverages so it will give a less metabolic hit to your body.

Be Mindful of Alcohol Mixtures

At the bar, it impossible to get a knowledge if your whiskey cocktail or margarita is mixed to exact proportions. Is that glass of pinot noir or cabernet an exact 5 oz, or did the bartender over pour it and gave you a much higher dosage of it.

Unless you can actually have an access to view the bartender who makes your beverages or know the actual weight of those beverages in different glasses. It is really hard to know if you are having the right amounts of it.

If you are having fun in drinking liquors at home, do not let them become a hindrance for you to reach your goals. You must develop a plan of measuring the content of alcohol as you pour it to for you to be aware of its portions.
This will assist you in keeping yourself on track to reach your goals.

Calories are a big factor just like carbohydrates

Knowing the net of carbohydrates is more critical than calculating the calories on a keto diet, but alcoholic beverages is not included in the rule because alcohol consists of calories that are empty and you can consume a meal’s equivalent number of calories without being aware that you surpassed your limit.

If you are going to be used to this then you will notice eventually that your weight will increase. You must have a complete knowledge with low carbohydrate and low-calorie alternatives and you must follow them.

The Rule of Drinking “One Drink Maximum”

You can enjoy low carbohydrate alcoholic drinks while on a keto diet, however, you need to be moderate on doing it for you to still reach your goals. It is difficult for your body to metabolize alcohol and it can be a hindrance to the burning of your fats.

You can also try doing the “one drink maximum” rule. In this rule, you must put a limitation to one drink per sitting and one to three alcoholic beverages only per week. Once you have hit the weight that you are wishing for, or you have been able to hit and preserve ketosis, you can experiment more on what is effective for you.

But the bottom line is to avoid alcohol at all cost.

Function of non-alcoholic mixers on a ketogenic diet

When it comes to mixing alcoholic beverages, selecting the right mixture is crucial.

While vodka has zero net carbohydrates, combining it with lemonade that is full of sugars, soda or tonic water will compromise the selection of vodka because of its low carbohydrate content. There are a large number of mixtures of drinks that are not good for people who are under keto diet, such as fruit juice or sour mixtures.

Choose the Correct Alcoholic Drink

Quantity is not the only basis of selecting alcoholic beverages while on a ketogenic diet because the quality is as important as that.

Some drinks, such as beers, hides a large number of carbohydrates although others are ketofriendly as long as it is consumed moderately.

The Conclusion: You can get pleasure from alcoholic drinks while on a keto diet Now that you have a much better understanding of how alcoholic drinks can influence you in ketosis state and know which low carbohydrate alcohol selections are superior to others, you can make a decision if you must include it on your meal plan.

If you are a newbie practitioner of a keto diet, or you have not hit ketosis yet, it is worth taking a look at having a break from those drinks completely to help you reach your goals.

For keto experts, you should have no difficulty in enjoying your well-loved alcoholic drinks, because you already know your carbohydrates’ budget for the day on your respective meal plans.

A friendly advice: Do not intake massive amount of alcoholic beverages in each week or in one sitting, Be sure to have your own driver and be responsible with the use of alcohol.

Top 5 Keto Alcoholic Drinks

What are the advisable alcoholic drinks to consume while on a keto diet? First of all, alcoholic beverages will not help in weight loss. Because the higher amount of alcohol that you take the higher the chance that losing weight may be compromised, as the body prioritizes alcohol first before any other compounds in our body.

Because of that, there is a large dissimilarity between various types of alcoholic beverages some are adequately good but some are a big no when you are in ketosis.

However, a wine has much lower carb content than beer that is why most people who are in the keto diet select wine. Hard liquors like whiskey and vodka have zero carbohydrates, however, be watchful if they are mixed with other substances as they can be loaded with sugar.

While you are under a keto diet, you can still have the privilege to enjoy different alcoholic beverages a glass or two on several gatherings. Even though many liquors consists of massive sugar content there are still some alternatives that you can grab with a small amount to no sugar at all. Here is the list of five keto alcoholic beverages that you can surely enjoy:


This type of liquor only contains 1 gram of carbohydrates per 1 glass. Whether it is a luxurious champagne from France or an inexpensive sparkling wines from other countries. This is surely a drink that you can enjoy.

Red or White Wine

One glass of this contains only 2 grams of carbohydrates. Some people are saying that it is the 4th macronutrient, next to fat, protein and carbohydrates. It has a significant part of the civilization of humans and there is no doubt that it combines itself very wonderful with food and friends.

Skinny Bitch

One big glass of this does not contain any carbohydrates at all. This one of a kind drink is a perfect drink for keto people however it must still be consumed moderately because it is still an alcoholic beverage and still contains empty calories.


One glass does not contain any carbs at all. This is very good for people who are very conscious about their health because it is well known that it is gluten-free. However, it has a high alcoholic content so you must drink it moderately and responsibly.

Dry Martini

One small glass does not contain any carbohydrates. It is a famous drink that has made its mark on James Bond’s films. It really tastes good too that is why you must learn to control your urge of drinking more.

A Reminder when you are under a diet especially keto, a lot of people need to cut down their alcohol consumption because only a little amount of alcohol can make them tipsy in no time. So be aware the first time you drink liquor while on keto diet. Because you will need half of the amount of the alcoholic drink to get pleasure from it. It is a good thing of course because you can save a lot of money from it.

The cause of this usual experience is fully unknown. The possible reason is that the liver is creating ketones or glucose that why it has a lesser ability to burn alcohol.

That is excellent if you are looking to get intoxicated without spending a lot of money however the hangover will be much intense.