Please tell us your story: Who you are, where are you from? Why did you start Keto? In other words, what’s the story?
Following being a competitive athlete I fell ill and as a result gained about 150lbs. I had always struggled with my weight even when I competed. After the gain I helplessly tried a variety of diets including low calorie, low fat, etc. I have been a lifelong vegetarian with gluten sensitivities and I followed a low fodmap diet to help with digestive issues. Basically, I didn’t have a poor diet full of snacks or fast food but for whatever reason I could not shed the weight. I heard about drastic results with keto and decided to give it a try. A year in I am about 100lbs down with 30-45lbs to go. I am less focused on the number on the scale and more in how I look/feel. I started wearing about a 22/24 and now I comfortably fit into 10/12 clothing. My journey is not over but I feel great!
What did you personally do in your first 10 days of keto?
Lots of trial and error. Do I eat this or that and when. It took me a few weeks before I developed an effective routine and about 4 weeks before I had any significant loss.
Do you count and track macros strictly?
Yes and I honestly think that is why I have been so successful. Targeting my protein, limiting my carbs and using fat as a filler is my goal. Tracking diligently allows me to know what to eat and when. I try to log my meals in advance and make sure to hit my macros. For example, if I plan out lunch and dinner and realize I am nowhere close to my protein and almost over my fat I may readjust one of those meals before I map out dinner to make sure all of my macro goals are met.
How has your life changed since going keto?
Well, I am not fun at parties and dates can’t take me out to eat! I have never been one to eat out frequently and I live alone so honestly that has not been much of a struggle but the few occasions it comes up it is a bit of an explanation as to why I can’t eat XYZ. The weight loss has significantly improved my ability to exercise. Before I would get winded just going up and down stairs at work. Now I do spin twice a week!
Have you ever encountered a plateau? If so, how did you get over it?
The first plateau I encountered I reevaluated my macros. I made sure to hit my protein 100% of the time and cut my fat intake in half. The next few I did a 3-5 day egg fast.
What is your WHY (your drive/motivation) to keep on track and stay focused?
I have never had an issue with self confidence or loving myself and my appearance. But being overweight is viewed as unhealthy and as I mentioned, I never had poor eating habits. I like having my body reflect how I feel.
What is your favorite Keto recipe?
Cauliflower “mac and cheese”! I adopted a mac and cheese recipe by Terry Crews that uses cottage cheese and it’s a staple for me!
Finally, What advice would you give someone who is just starting out on keto?
Track your macros, focus on hitting protein and Do.Not.Give.Up.