Again, this sounds good… You’ll be getting rid of toxins, especially with all that extra water you’re drinking to make up for not eating carbs.
BUT (and this is a big one)
Along with the water and toxins, you’re also flushing out electrolytes.
So, while you may be getting enough water to “stay hydrated”, the electrolyte balance in your body is completely off.
It doesn’t matter how much water you drink, you’re going to STAY thirsty.
You’ll probably also start craving salty carbs, in your body’s attempt to retain water and get some more electrolytes!
Now you may be thinking of having some Gatorade, it has electrolytes, right?
Well, not quite…
You see, for optimal hydration, a Harvard Medical School study showed that you need a special ratio of electrolytes to make all the symptoms of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance to disappear.
The golden ratio is “4:4:2:1”