Please tell us your story: Who you are, where are you from? Why did you start Keto? In other words, what’s the story?

Hello! My name is Alexander King and I am from Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. The reason for starting Keto is something I am still figuring out myself. Ever since I was a kid, I was overweight and I never liked seeing myself in the mirror. My life centered around unhealthy habits that continued throughout time. I lacked the resiliency to change my life and I never had the energy to love myself. As I got older in my young adult years, depression kicked in and really brought me down to a dark place. My mood became oppressed and I lost all motivation for my future. Suddenly, last year I had a girlfriend while I was over 200 lbs. We had a great time together, but it ended fairly quickly. This moment gave me a reminder that I should treat myself better and stop accusing myself of all the hardships I faced. During the time I was with this person, my mother was six months into this new diet. I was blinded by all the misery I put myself in that I finally noticed how great my mother looked. I asked her after my relationship split, “What are you doing Ma? You look great!” She said, “I’m doing Keto.”

What did you personally do in your first 10 days of keto?

At this time, I was 214 lbs on February 1st, 2019. Once my mother introduced me to the low-carb fascination, I thought why not. I am already upset with ending a relationship so why not do try a new challenge to keep my mind focused on something else? As for my first 10 days of doing keto, my mother coached me into drinking bulletproof coffee every morning, taking daily vitamins, eating all the meats I wanted and experimented with new snacks for the late nights. I ate low-carb tortillas with all the cheeses I wanted, and I had dark chocolate every night before I went to bed.

Do you count and track macros strictly?

Once I started understanding the rhythm of keto, I tracked my macros of having less than 25 carbs a day. The longer I stayed in keto, the more excited I was to see results. In the first two weeks of keto, I lost 10 pounds of water weight and I already noticed the difference. My face looked sharper one morning and that led me to keep going. I always made sure my macros were under 25 grams of carbs and consumed a lot of fat. This plan extended for four months and counting!

How has your life changed since going keto?

My life has changed drastically for the better. I am more confident in myself not just physically, but mentally as well. My mind feels so much more clearer and my ability to function has grew exponentially. I don’t feel as gross anymore putting clothes on or sleeping on my side where my belly collapses downward. The bones I am feeling where I never felt before is a huge wake-up call that this is what I needed to do!

Have you ever encountered a plateau? If so, how did you get over it?

Ever since starting keto, I have not experienced one moment of plateauing. I can confidently say that I lost a pound or two every week because I weighed myself every Sunday morning. I honestly have been surprised by how consistent I have become to lose almost 40 lbs in 4 months! However, I am not done yet with my ultimate goal. The goal is to reach 160 and I believe giving myself another month and a half will make me earn it.

What is your WHY (your drive/motivation) to keep on track and stay focused?

One of the biggest motivations is finally be considered on the “normal weight” scale of my body mass index. There is something about being considered normal that makes me feel so much more accepting of who I am. I have always been in the overweight to obese scale and so the chance I have to reach normal weight would be life-changing. Another motivation is to have a greater feeling of loving myself. I have always heard whenever I was depressed a couple of years ago, “you need to learn to love yourself before you can love others.” That is why I am on keto, to love myself. All the recipes my mother tried have been making this diet feel less of a chore and more of an experiment.

What is your favorite Keto recipe?

My favorite recipe would have to be the zucchini soup my mother makes. She cuts zucchini into tiny pieces and applies a soup flavor along with shredded cheese. The zucchini is then cooked and evolved into a soft bite of goodness. It is the best alternative of having soup to eat. Eating all these different kinds of foods, such as soup zucchini, low-carb pancakes, and strawberries with sour cream makes keto not feel like a diet at all.

Finally, What advice would you give someone who is just starting out on keto?

If there was someone like me a couple years back and wanted to change their life, I would keto can be the answer you need. If you wish to not go through all the hard work into dieting, but still want to put the effort into losing weight, keto remains the best choice. It should be clear that dieting can feel like a burden for some, but I can safely say that for keto, it is not the same case. I hope with my story I can move someone into making that commitment and following through their goals. Keto will be the best decision you’ve made for yourself, guaranteed.

Please tell us your story: Who you are, where are you from? Why did you start Keto? In other words, what’s the story?

Following being a competitive athlete I fell ill and as a result gained about 150lbs. I had always struggled with my weight even when I competed. After the gain I helplessly tried a variety of diets including low calorie, low fat, etc. I have been a lifelong vegetarian with gluten sensitivities and I followed a low fodmap diet to help with digestive issues. Basically, I didn’t have a poor diet full of snacks or fast food but for whatever reason I could not shed the weight. I heard about drastic results with keto and decided to give it a try. A year in I am about 100lbs down with 30-45lbs to go. I am less focused on the number on the scale and more in how I look/feel. I started wearing about a 22/24 and now I comfortably fit into 10/12 clothing. My journey is not over but I feel great!

What did you personally do in your first 10 days of keto?

Lots of trial and error. Do I eat this or that and when. It took me a few weeks before I developed an effective routine and about 4 weeks before I had any significant loss.

Do you count and track macros strictly?

Yes and I honestly think that is why I have been so successful. Targeting my protein, limiting my carbs and using fat as a filler is my goal. Tracking diligently allows me to know what to eat and when. I try to log my meals in advance and make sure to hit my macros. For example, if I plan out lunch and dinner and realize I am nowhere close to my protein and almost over my fat I may readjust one of those meals before I map out dinner to make sure all of my macro goals are met.

How has your life changed since going keto?

Well, I am not fun at parties and dates can’t take me out to eat! I have never been one to eat out frequently and I live alone so honestly that has not been much of a struggle but the few occasions it comes up it is a bit of an explanation as to why I can’t eat XYZ. The weight loss has significantly improved my ability to exercise. Before I would get winded just going up and down stairs at work. Now I do spin twice a week!

Have you ever encountered a plateau? If so, how did you get over it?

The first plateau I encountered I reevaluated my macros. I made sure to hit my protein 100% of the time and cut my fat intake in half. The next few I did a 3-5 day egg fast.

What is your WHY (your drive/motivation) to keep on track and stay focused?

I have never had an issue with self confidence or loving myself and my appearance. But being overweight is viewed as unhealthy and as I mentioned, I never had poor eating habits. I like having my body reflect how I feel.

What is your favorite Keto recipe?

Cauliflower “mac and cheese”! I adopted a mac and cheese recipe by Terry Crews that uses cottage cheese and it’s a staple for me!

Finally, What advice would you give someone who is just starting out on keto?

Track your macros, focus on hitting protein and Do.Not.Give.Up.

Please tell us your story: Who you are, where are you from? Why did you start Keto? In other words, what’s the story?

My name is Meghan, and I live in Canada. I’ve been overweight since I was 12 years old, and obese since I was 17. I recently started in a full time college program which was really intense, and put on a ton of weight in the process. When I got to my highest weight (260lbs) I was absolutely miserable, had no self-esteem, and it was really affecting my relationship. My significant other had successfully lost weight with Keto before, and suggested I try it with him. Within a month I had already lost 20 pounds, and the weight just kept falling off!

What did you personally do in your first 10 days of keto?

The first few weeks of keto were kept really simple so it was easier to adjust. I know there are tons of different recipes for desserts, fake breads, etc. But I just stuck to bacon and eggs for breakfast; cheese, meat, and pickles for lunch; and meat and veggies for dinner (usually chicken thighs with cauliflower and broccoli). Now I’ve ventured out into fathead doughs, cauliflower crust pizza, and different desserts, but I think keeping it simple in the beginning was the best way to go!

Do you count and track macros strictly?

I weighed and tracked very religiously for the first 4 months eating a ketogenic diet. I now do “lazy keto” where I don’t track, but have a pretty good idea where I’m at! If I notice I start to stall, I will definitely start to track again, but the weight is still coming off so I’m not too concerned at the moment!

How has your life changed since going keto?

The most significant change personally has been management of my PCOS symptoms. I was diagnosed at 18, but had displayed symptoms since I was 15 (infrequent periods, hirsuitism, acanthosis nigrans). Since April, I’ve finally had regular menstrual cycles, my facial hair is disappearing, and the skin darkening in my armpits and thighs are gone!

Have you ever encountered a plateau? If so, how did you get over it?

I’ve never had a true plateau of 3+ months, but did have a month where I stayed at the same weight. Oddly enough, my first “cheat day” (I ate around 80g of carbs instead of my usual 20g) is what seemed to kick start the weight loss again!

What is your WHY (your drive/motivation) to keep on track and stay focused?

My motivation to keep on track and stay focused is my significant other. We are able to motivate each other (he’s lost 110lbs!) I would also like to have children one day, and research shows the possibility of getting pregnant with PCOS greatly increases when eating a ketogenic diet.

What is your favorite Keto recipe?

Cauliflower crust pizza! It’s so versatile because you can add any toppings you wish to! My go to is 2 cups riced cauliflower, 1 egg, ½ cup Parmesan and seasonings, pressed down thin and baked at 425F for 20 minutes.

Finally, What advice would you give someone who is just starting out on keto?

Keep it simple! I know there’s tons of recipes out there, but basic meat and veggies make everything way less daunting at first!